My first thanks go to Woollahra Municipal Council for having the loos at the back of their council building open, saving me from continued pain and from having to queue for the porta-loo at the 4km mark.

The BEST thing about the day was catching up with the legendary Rose and Colette from Team World Vision AND getting a fantabulous! leg massage by the wonderful people from the Australian College of Natural Therapies. Team WV had a great setup on the first floor of Chapel by the Sea, warm and welcome with loads of food and drink as well as the massage team all set to care for tired legs and tight muscles. Highlight of the day!
Crunch time is upon us and I need to complete my fundraising for World Vision by October 1st or I don't get to fulfill on my dream and run my first marathon in New York. $4,630 to go, lots of plans in action with offers from the cafe at work to donate $1 from each coffee sold one day in September, creating a sponsored walk as part of a training run, guessing competitions, trivia nights and personal appeals?
Can you help by donating online at http://www.teamworldvision.com.au/mikeedyejones_mmm?
What's Next?
I registered for the Half Marathon event at the Blackmore's Sydney Running Festival last Friday, so come Sunday September 18th I'll be at the start line (06:20!!) for the last of my event based training runs. I have to admit I'm nervous about being prepared in time given the trouble I have had the last few weeks with niggling aches in my shins. I heel strike, and therefore I suffer!
Last week I went to visit my physiotherapist (the ever patient Tony at ProActive Healthcare in North Ryde) to have my legs treated and my running style filmed and analysed, he found quite a few things for me to work on, two are the most significant:- I heel strike, hence the pain!
- I don't "kick" high enough.